by FaytheReyn Thu Jun 02, 2011 3:49 am
@Andrea: a toe rub? She doesn't let people near her toes unless they're clipping her nails.
@Catherine: She's always serious when the camera's out anymore.
She used to click and whistle and throw her little wings in the air (all while fluffy), but she won't do it in front of the camera anymore.
@Chris: I hope it comes soon. I hate having to be careful where my fingers are on my camera.
@Carol: We've been trying to get that arranged! For the time being, Sylvia said "Click, click, click, whistle, click, "don't do that", laugh, click."
That reminds me, Carol! I had a dream about you and your lovelies!
Peter and I walked into a store and decided we wanted to get another bird for Sylvia to be friends with (or try to be), and he decided he wanted a Blue-Fronted Amazon. As we approached the only one in the store, I looked and laughed "We can't buy that one, it's Jimmy!" Then we walked around and admired the rest of your flock and toys. Sylvia did take a shine to Frankie though...they chatted while we walked around the store.